November 16, 2016

The Cost of Homelessness

I talk about the moral imperative of not allowing any of our people in Kent County live and die on our streets. For some, this call does not resonate. There […]

November 15, 2016

An End to Homelessness

I get it, we sound nuts talking about ending homelessness. I mean, the audacity that WE could end this horrible plague on humanity that’s always been with us and always […]

November 14, 2016

Housing First Awareness

If you have followed anything in the news about homelessness recently you’ve probably read about Housing First. Articles with headlines like, “This City Has a Novel Approach to End Homelessness” […]

July 8, 2016

Heartside Neighborhood and Doughnut Shops

Arguably the most diverse neighborhood in Grand Rapids (although we know how fast our neighborhoods are changing these days!), Heartside Neighborhood has a unique place in the Grand Rapids landscape. […]

June 29, 2016

Homelessness in the News

Today major news sources in San Francisco will be focused on the issue of homelessness in their city. They are asking other cities around the country to band with them and […]

April 11, 2016

Ending Veteran Homelessness

In 2014, First Lady Michelle Obama issued a challenge to mayors around the country: End Veteran Homelessness.  Mayor Heartwell of Grand Rapids signed on for that challenge, and all of […]

February 12, 2016

GRTV Focus on the Issues

CoC staff and a couple agency partners discuss Housing First and what it means.