Ever wondered how you can get involved with your community? Read on! We’re putting out a public call for members!

The Grand Rapids Area Coalition to End Homelessness is a membership organization comprised of more than 50 organizations and individuals who work to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time in Kent County. Membership is free and open to the public. Follow the link to our website to read more about us and sign up to join the Coalition to End Homelessness! This work takes an entire community working together and celebrating achievements.

Membership to the Coalition is free and open to anyone interested in the work. Nonprofit, social service and governmental organizations or individual community advocates or those with lived experiences of homelessness may join as voting members.

Sign the Membership Form and return to CoC Staff

Members have access to the following:

  • Voting rights on CoC governance issues
  • Community data on progress toward reaching functional zero
  • Timely email updates and presentations on policy and funding changes at the local, state and federal level
  • Participation in system-wide strategy and direction for ending homelessness in Kent County
  • Clinics and workshops that promote best practices
  • Opportunities to network with those doing similar work to promote system building

All meetings are open to the general public, with or without official membership. Voting members must reaffirm their commitment annually by renewing their membership forms.